Email : | Address : PO BOX 66 Spruce Pine, NC 28777

Farm tours are located in Spruce Pine, NC 28714
Exact address will be sent right after you book your visit.
Google address is NOT correct! Do NOT use Google (that is our PO Box)
Tours are only for ages 10 and up. Sorry, no exceptions.
NO dogs allowed, the cows don't like them.
Price listed is the total cost for your group.
Tours are both rain & shine.
No refunds, Tours must be rescheduled 72 hours in advance.
Keep checking back for more dates.
To buy a gift card, click here
Thanks for making our 2022 Christmas Photos a success.
Sign up for our email list to stay in the loop about future events.

Contact us for more information

If you are inquiring about visiting the farm or photo sessions, please do not use this form. The appropriate contact form is listed on our menu under "Visiting" or "Photo Session".
If your looking for Scottish Highland Cattle, we added a new contact form to our menu "Looking for Highland Cattle".
(Sorry for so many contact forms but I'm trying to make sure all the emails get directed to the right people.)
For any other requests or questions, or if you want to collaborate, please use this form to contact us.
Micaville, NC 28755
Happy Hens & Highlands

Come spend some time on the farm, hanging out with some of our Scottish Highland cows
and learning to paint a highland cow! No experience is necessary.
You will be guided step by step by one of the talented artists from Monet & Chardonnay.
Everyone will receive a prepared canvas and all painting materials at the start of the class.
Feel free to bring your own beverages or snacks to enjoy while painting.
The event will take place inside the barn, but you are free to wonder around the fields
and spend time with the cows before and after the event.
Located in Burnsville, NC 28714.
Exact address will be sent upon booking.
No refunds, Rescheduling must be done one week in advance, so we have time to fill the spots.
We will try to offer one class a month during the summer.
If you want to check out with a gift card, please email me so I can enter it manually.
PO BOX 65 Micaville, NC 28755
© 2014 by Happy Hens & Highlands Farm